Sustainable farming

A way to live a healthy life

Our ancestors were doing sustainable farming. That's why they used to live for more than a century. Even today, some people are found who can live more and that is just because of their natural life.

Agriculture, land and problems

  • The growing population is a serious problem all over the world.

  • To fulfill the high demand for food, humans started the use of chemical fertilizers, toxic pesticides to achieve maximum production.

  • Because of this, The soil has become harder and the fertility of the soil has almost gone down.

  • The Land has become a limited resource because the degradation of land is taking place at a faster pace.

  • Deforestation, water logging, construction of large dams, mining and overgrazing have resulted in the degradation of land resources.

  • Soil changes because of a potential rise in sea level resulting from a net reduction in Antarctic ice cap volume and ocean warming.

An approach to sustainable farming

Sustainable farming is a 'rule' (an approach, a manner, a process) that involves much more than choosing not to use pesticides, fertilizers, genetically modified organisms, antibiotics and growth hormones in crop and livestock production.

NatureOps is doing efforts to rejuvenate sustainable farming by restoring the natural relationship between the mother earth and the human to live long.

Benefits of sustainable farming

  • Increases soil fertility.

  • Ground water level rises.

  • Increases crop productivity.

  • Increases irrigation intervals.

  • Increases soil ability to absorb water.

  • Low reliance on chemical fertilizers reduces costs.

  • Introducing crop rotations designed to improve soil health.

  • Every community can benefit from healthy and locally grown food.

  • A healthy competition for the quality of natural/organic products in the international market.

Let's start sustainable farming to help mother earth thrive again.