Try to understand nature to develop yourself

Try to understand nature to develop yourself.

November 03, 2019 | Editor

Man has the wisdom to recognize, understand and study nature. At the beginning of mankind, man, who lived in the natural state had started animal husbandry instead of killing animals based on his own experience and observation. A man should have thought of planting grains at some point which has advanced humankind to modern farming. Instead of being afraid of fire, man learned to use it. If our ancestors had not studied nature, understood it, and used it, we would have had nothing in modern life we have today.

Let's try to understand nature today by studying some of the simple rules, qualities and patterns of nature.

Each creature is one and unique

We can't imagine the creation of nature. Every creature created by nature is one and unique. Nature does not create another such model. There is a difference between every model. No creation of nature is useless in this vast organism. Even the smallest organism has its job. No one else can ever do that job. While we accept that every creature is unique, we also acknowledge the beliefs and behaviors of others.

No creature is completely independent

We are just a part of the huge organism that is hovering above the earth. The world operates by nature's rules and we can understand just a few of them. The living nature of animals and plants is arranged in such a way that one’s waste becomes food for another. Animals emit carbon dioxide as waste, by using it, the vegetable/plants prepares its food from the carbon contained in it and return the oxygen. Some animals work to keep the earth clean. In the absence of creatures such as Ravens, Vultures, Hyaena, Ants and spiders, this earth can odor like a dustbin. Nature has put their food in the process of cleaning the dirt. Thus, life is like a chain and we are one of them. This is how the food chain works. That is why every creature is one and unique but not completely independent.

Everything is automatic, balanced and in control

As we strive to identify nature, many secrets are revealed to us. The whole universe is so balanced that the organisms are working automatically. Sometimes the intense heat of the sun does not burn all the vegetation or destroy everything in the cold. A meteorite falling from the sky does not fall directly over the earth in such a way that the entire universe is destroyed. We find a weird balance between the vegetation and the animal world.

Everything is transformative

The action of change in nature is continuous. If the change had not been continuous, evolution would not have been possible. Due to the process of changing everything and every life, in the autumn the stumped tree grows in the spring. New humps sprout on the plants. Variability is the process of staying fresh.

Life and labor are not different

Nature does not provide air, water, food or anything for free. Every creature has to do effort/labor in order to use anything that is given by nature with a loose hand. We can get oxygen only if the lungs work in the body. Even a newborn baby starts to shake hands and feet otherwise the mother's milk will not digest it. This applies to all living creatures. The organs of the plant also work continuously.

There is no life apart from work. Everyone has to be active in order to survive. When a man performs labor activities following the laws of nature, there is both refreshment and satisfaction in his life. Understanding these and other such qualities of nature can develop as a human being with a scientific approach. Try to understand nature to develop yourself.