Streaming online videos produces Carbon Dioxide

October 6, 2019 | Editor

According to one study, we are currently living in a world and breathing in an environment where only one dimension(online video and download) of this digital world produces 300 million tonnes of carbon dioxide a year. 100 million tonnes of carbon dioxide produced in the world every year due to online porn videos. In other words, people who watch online porn videos produce more carbon dioxide than many countries like Spain, Belgium, Nigeria and Bangladesh. All the world's digital platforms like Netflix's online video service generate as much carbon dioxide as carbon dioxide produced by porn video streaming. Due to the downloading of pornography and entertainment videos such as television serials, movies, web series etc., 80% of the global data transmission energy is consumed. Other than that the highest energy consumption is due to anything else, it is the terms and conditions written on the website, information and video games. Third comes the photographs uploaded in high resolution. The largest portion of the network infrastructure is blocked by videos. All these figures are given in shocking research which was published by 'New Scientist', a world-renowned and trusted magazine published from England. The research was led by Maxime Efoui Hess, Specialist Engineer in Computer Modeling.

Earlier this year, it estimated that digital technologies produce 4 per cent of greenhouse gas emissions and that this figure could soar to 8 per cent by 2025. The report, which was conducted by deep research on the use of internet, digital platform, online streaming, says that more than half of the energy consumed by the use of digital technology is spent on data traffic or byte transfer globally, about 55 percent of total digital consumption. Apart from that, about 45% of energy is used in the production of equipment.

Large terminals have to be built for data transmission and they need massive infrastructure. This data storage and transmission is increasing by 25% every year. Due to this, the digital waste and the carbon generated from that waste is increasing day by day, but instead of maintaining restraint on this issue, its consumption is increasing by about 9% every year.

Now as the data traffic and data storage is increasing day by day, there is a huge threat to the Earth's atmosphere. The use of the internet has become so widespread in today's world that the internet is now proving to be dangerous for the environment. That is why the use of digital technology and its excessive use are now having a negative impact on the environment. We need to think about how we use the internet and how much we really need it and it needs to be cut down on consumption, hence the need to categorize digital usage now. This is why digital awareness is needed instead of digital expansion.