
Everyone's single home

A free gift from nature

The land is a primary element of nature. It is everyone's single home. land supports wildlife and natural vegetation.

The land is our mother who provides us our basic needs and requirements.

Land resources are limited.

  • 43% of the total land area is plain that we are using.

  • 27% of the total land area is covered with a plateau region which is moderately populated.

  • 30% of the total land area is covered by mountains and sparsely populated.

  • The microbes and bacteria in dirt can help boost your immune system and make you healthier and even happier.
  • A lack of early childhood exposure to infectious agents, microorganisms and parasites increases our susceptibility to allergic diseases by suppressing the natural development of our immune systems.
  • Growing up in 'natural' environments helps kids develop a balanced immune response while strength is an unhelpful gauge of immune system function.

  • Land includes oceans, lakes and rivers, mineral deposits, rainfall, water-power, fisheries, forests and numerous other things which nature provides and human uses.

  • The term ‘land’ thus embraces all that nature has created on the earth, above the earth and below the earth’s surface.

Functions of land

Primary Occupation

Basis of Life

Basis of Transport

Basis of Employment

Basis of Trade

Basis of Power

Basis of Industries

Basis of Economy

The land was considered to be the 'original and inexhaustible gift of nature.'

Unfortunately, it has been changed. But now is the time to payback the land.

A payment called rent.

A rent to stay on this earth.